Monday, May 17, 2010

It's a Woman's World

Did you know that more than 60% of accredited REALTORS are women? From a business that started out like most other businesses, male-dominated, real estate has turned into this great professional for women to be in charge. Why is that, though? What is it about the real estate business that A. Makes a woman (in my opinion) a bit more savvy? and B. Makes our clients more inclined to work with a female? Now, I'm not saying there aren't great male agents, because believe me, I work with some brilliant men. I'm merely questioning what it is about real estate that lends itself so nicely to a woman's nature. Today, I'm sitting in a continuing education class (even if you're the best real estate professional in the world, always continue to learn. I promise, there are things you don't know) and majority of the class is women. Could the abundance of women have something to do with the fact that women are, by nature, more nurturing and understanding? Or, perhaps viewed as more sociable? I think so. Now again, I'm not saying men don't possess the ability to be both nurturing and sociable, but I do truly believe it comes a bit easier to women. It's the whole child-bearing thing, we're bred to be hand-holders. That being said, not everyone needs/wants a "hand-holder," but it goes back to the idea of actually liking who you work with. Unless you're an investor, real estate is (as previously mentioned) an emotionally-driven business.

I can't even begin to count (numbers aren't my thing) how many times I've had someone I'm speaking with request a female agent. I have to admit, when a man requests a female agent, I always feel inclined to ask why (there have been one too many crimes against female real estate agents not to). The answer that 99.9% of people give me (again, investors aside. Most investors prefer men. I think it has something to do with the bond they develop over the actual architecture of a building. Something I, as a woman, have no interest in) is comfort. They think a woman will take the time to truly listen to what they need as opposed to showing them things that don't fit their requirements. Also, men (and women, too...but you knew that already) have told me that because real estate can be so emotional, they feel they will be able to let their guard down more with a female agent. The other .01% openly admit to the prospect of getting a date, but what can you do?

So what does this mean for the men out there who don't possess the qualities to put people at ease? Get a sex change, or take estrogen? No. C'mon, even I'm not that controversial. Men, take the time to listen. I know, I know...women have been telling you this for years, you haven't listened, and you seem to be doing okay. This is from the horses mouth, People! (i never liked that term...) I speak to your clients before you do. They want compassion, they want a friend, they want what they want.

I do see a down side to real estate being a female-driven business, though. As I sit through my class today, I hear the controversial questions being asked only by women. In addition to being nurturing and sociable, we can also be loud and obnoxious. (I say this as both a loud and obnoxious woman. Please don't take offense). We're not very good at keeping our mouths shut, and often dig ourselves into a proverbial grave because we just don't know when to shut up. That's not saying men are the Earth's response to loud-mouthed women. Unfortunately for us, a lot of times loud and obnoxious equals power for a man. For women, loud and obnoxious most often equates with nagging. My solution? Well, if you're an independent agent and you prefer to work alone, try to take some time to notice some qualities of successful people of the opposite gender around you. For those of you who prefer partners, or having a team, make the effort to mix up both the genders and the gender roles. I always find that the most successful teams/partnerships in the real estate business are those with a little gender variety. Regardless of gender, it's hard to work with someone who is similar to you. Similar work ethic, yes. Similar personality/reaction type, no. The whole point in giving into the group mentality of business isn't (get ready to be shocked) to cover more ground! The point is to offer your client all aspects of what they need. How many times have you heard partners say "She's the lister. I'm better with buyers?" I'm sure a lot. I'm sort of getting off the topic of real estate being a female-dominate business, but I feel it's all related. I also don't have much of an attention span.

The moral: Know your strengths! We all have them. We have to, or else we'd only have weakness and wouldn't be functioning as working professionals/mothers/fathers/daughters/brothers/friends...anything. Men, I know we're annoying, but listen to the females around you. There's a reason we're so damn good at real estate! Women, don't get cocky now that this is out in the open, and for god sake ladies, learn when to shut up.

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