Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My last attempt at a triumphant return to the "blogosphere" (if you will) was, well, less than triumphant. Really, who has time to write about the things that they barely have time to actually do? When I graduated from college with a degree in Creative Writing, I made a vow that I would always write. That vow, just as so many others, has fallen by the wayside. My days of pondering and writing notebooks have morphed into calorie counting and corporate deadlines. Long gone are the days of separating my work life and my personal life - who has the time? Time...the word that pushed me to log on to this ridiculous blog and start typing. At the risk of sounding like every other quirky, 20-something year old girl with the ability to jot down a few semi-thought-provoking posts, time is not on our side. Not now, not ever.

To be honest, I don't have much to say. This past week, I lost someone that I took for granted. Someone who I haven't seen in years because, quite frankly, I assumed he'd always been there should I have time to stop by. I could go on about how he changed my life and supported me through difficult moments, but that's far too cliche for a man of his intellect. Instead, I will say this "one can survive everything, nowadays, except death, and live down everything except a good reputation." 

Rest In Peace, Sulcer. You were far too classy for this world.

1 comment:

  1. Well Jess, I might have been about 3 years too late to catch your blog.....but I dont think that you don't have much to say. I found a few of your posts quite interesting. I hope you got through the time of losing your friend. I look forward to seeing you write again someday (and I'm sure your great great great grandkids will some day enjoy reading your thoughts years into the future)
